Before Anne,

My husband’s career was failing due to Covid, we were forced to moved out, and suffered repeated bad events in my life.

My son, who unfortunately got into problems with police and courts, gave up his studies and became distant.

As for me, loneliness, health problems, weight loss, despair, anger in the face of the constant problems.

After getting your pendants, after a year later, my husband has found a new job working as an administration in a nearby school. My son has changed a lot and is studying well for his college.

And I am back to my old self, full of enthusiasm in life and nature.

Thank you so much Anne.

With Love
Trisha, NSW

Hello dear Anne,

The only thing I want to tell you is a very big THANK YOU!

I asked you for the advice on how to optimize the power of the pendant. Everything you told me about me was true and I was amazed by it! And everything else, made me think a lot.

The final choice I made brought me the happiest time of my life. Now I’m married to the man I love, and we have a wonderful little daughter. We all enjoy good health and warm home. Thank you Anne. Thinking for the days before makes me cry, ’cause I know I could loose all of this, but you gave me the courage to fight and now I have all the happiness I can think of. I want to keep the right to write to you again if I need to. I also keep your amulet always in my wallet and I think its helping me.

Thank you again. I believe in you and I’m so happy that I wrote to you.

With all the love in my heart I want to tell you thank you and I wish you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a lot of health and happiness, Stay Safe!
Paula H, NT

Dearest Anne,

I just wanted to write to you to let you know how much I appreciate all your advices and your obvious concern for my problems. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the “inner” help you have and are sending to me. I am wearing the Egyptian pendant you sent me and feel you very close.

I am so excited about my life now! I haven’t given up on me yet, I just hope you won’t either! I’m really starting to get serious about developing myself, I feel like I’m worth it! I know its all inside me if I can just get by my own barriers.

Any positive change would be great, but I think the most wonderful thing would be to be able to share and give to others.

Thank you for “standing” by me. I at least have one true friend, in this world.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Kate, SA