Anne du Lac was alone in her car late one night, coming home from giving a lecture. Suddenly she saw a strange figure appear in the middle of the road. It was dressed all in white and gave off a strange light? She braked hard and stopped, to avoid a collision.

When Anne du Lac reached the spot where it stood, she noticed a ring of light around its head? “It looked like a halo,” she said?

Anne du Lac shouted, “Are you ok? Do you need help?”

The stranger, who didn’t seem to be either male or female, just looked at her with a smile full of kindness and compassion. Anne du Lac felt strangely happy, a warmth reaching into her and protecting her?

This is what the apparition said to her?


The figure said to her in a gentle voice: “Anne du Lac, I am here to give you a message. You have always said you want to help other people and that is why you studied Astrology. But that is not enough?

On this planet there are too many people who suffer and have to overcome serious problems. All your good will, and all the things you learn from your studies, are not enough to end all this pain.

We want to help you in your mission, and that’s why we chose you to receive some very special powers that will let you solve the greatest problems people face: “Will you accept these powers, Anne du Lac?

Anne du Lac was speechless, wondering who this person was and how they could know so much about her?

Nonetheless, Anne du Lac took this gift. The luminous being reached out his hand to her and at this precise moment Anne du Lac woke up?


She woke up in her car in the middle of a field, the engine still running. She looked at the clock mounted on the dashboard, and it showed the time was 2.30am? She had been stopped for more than 3 hours!

Did she fall asleep and dream it? She really didn’t know.

But the next day something happened that confirmed that Anne du Lac wasn’t dreaming?