Magic rituals performed with the aid of beneficent spirits, as formerly practiced by the Neo-Platonists, form the object of Theurgy, or High Magic. The discipline of Theurgy is of fundamental importance to Esoteric Christianity; practitioners employ rituals, prayers, and hymns to accomplish various goals, whether spiritual or mundane. While specific rituals form the core of such practices, patience, perseverance, and purity of intention are necessary prerequisites.

High Magic also requires knowledge regarding the most important Archangels, their attributes, the celestial bodies they govern, and their corresponding chakras (special points or knots of the subtle human body, according to yogic traditions and other belief systems). Archangel Gabriel, who is particularly in tune with the mortal realm, governs the Moon, and is symbolized by the Root Chakra, corresponding to the physical body.

Archangel Raphael, governor of Mercury, is symbolized by the Subumbilical Chakra, which corresponds to the Vital Body. Archangel Uriel, governor of Venus, is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, corresponding to the Astral Body. Archangel Michael, governor of the Sun, is symbolized by the Heart Chakra, an avatar of the Mental Body.

Archangel Zakariel, governor of Jupiter, is associated with the Third Eye Chakra, corresponding to the Atmic Body. Archangel Orifiel, who governs Saturn, is symbolized by the Crown Chakra, associated with the Buddha Body. Archangel Samael, governor of Mars, is symbolized by the Throat Chakra, standing for the Causal Body.

Archangel Samael is described as a blacksmith who perpetually works the Great Furnaces of Mars. Archangel Uriel, the guardian of the astral world, is a genius of love and art who appears as a 12 year old boy, having blond hair and a bright face. Archangel Michael is more difficult to portray, representing sunlight itself, but is commonly envisioned as riding a majestic golden dragon on his mission to help humans overcome their inner demons.

Archangel Raphael often appears as an old man with a long beard; he always carries a stick with which he turns disease into cosmic dust. Archangel Gabriel is described as a fisherman who has power over the seas, but also over the feelings of mortals and their subconscious minds; he helps us discover ourselves, both physically and spiritually.

Presented below is a theurgic ritual for the invocation of Archangels, typical of Esoteric Christianity. To begin with, three white candles must be lit and arranged in a triangle pointing towards the East; next, all participants must kneel, also facing the East, and recite the following prayer:

I call upon the great Master of Light, Archangel (name), in the name of Christ, by the power of Christ, through the mastery of Christ. Amen? Amen? Amen? We ask for our wishes to be fulfilled, in a respectful, humble manner, and we offer a payment, a sacrifice for the fulfilling of our desire: (each participant must state the deed to be performed as payment, such as feeding a poor person, a gift of money for a righteous cause, or sacrificing personal time for the purpose of spiritual evolution.)

Finally, the participants thank the invoked Superior Being for hearing their prayer, and allow the candles to burn until they are consumed entirely.

The messengers of God have always been perceived as symbols of purity and absolute freedom by human beings, since angels are situated beyond the borders of immediate reality, borders created and maintained by the narrowness of mortal minds. In the context of theurgic practice, true love is the universal Key which unites humans with the angelic beings, and the invocation of Archangels is a means of utilizing this bridge between realms.