Many people have always been curious about angels. Some have experienced supernatural miracles, while others simply feel like there is a definite presence protecting and helping them. Your guardian angel can help you find your true path in life, get out of difficult dilemmas, and make changes in your daily life that will lead to a higher existence.

You might not be ready to contact your guardian angel. If the idea scares you, try to think about what exactly it is about your angel that is intimidating. Are you worried they judge you? Do you feel like you could do a better job guiding yourself? Whatever your worries are, try to set them aside as guardian angels are truly compassionate and caring above all else. They don’t judge or hurt people, and they certainly aren’t there to replace old-fashioned hard work on your part. They can just provide helpful nudges now and again.

If the idea of talking to your guardian angel is thrilling, you’re probably ready to do it. Take it slowly and don’t force anything ? if at any point you feel like you’re just making things up because you feel pressured to do so, relax and return to what you truly feel is happening. You might be surprised at how vivid your “imagination” becomes. If that’s the case, it’s probably real!


This method of getting in touch with your guardian angel can be used if you’re trying to reach a specific goal or you need help with something, or if you just want to connect with your angels. Either way, it is effective. Meditating with your angels has long been recommended as a way to calm yourself and get in touch with not just your angels, but your inner self.

There are a few ways you can do this. You can read through a meditation script with simple instructions for getting in touch with your angels or listen to a guided meditation audio track. If you want to, you can even do whatever feels right for you without guidance and whichever way most appeals to you is the right one to choose. Be gentle with yourself as you follow this script or the script of your choice.

You may wish to put on background music if you don’t have an audio track guiding you. You can take a bath beforehand to feel cleaner, dress up in special clothes or simply more comfortable clothes, or burn incense. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and relaxed is fine.


Sit down in a comfortable position, but not one where you might fall asleep. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, feeling tension and anxiety leave your body with your breath. As you inhale, feel relaxation and a sense of calm pouring in instead. Take several more deep breaths, continuing to relax as you do so until you feel calm and centered.

Then, picture the most peaceful natural environment you can think of. That might be a grassy field, a secret cave behind a waterfall, or a dark forest. Visualize every detail: the smells of the environment around you, the sounds of wind, water, or animals, and the colors of the place you have chosen.

Look up, picturing the bright but not blinding sky overhead, treetops, or cave roof, for example. Whatever you have chosen, see the details of what’s overhead, and then see a white light. It is small but bright, and grows bigger with every second. The light from the sky begins to surround you, bringing a sense of complete peace and safety, love and comfort.

When all you can see is light, you see the shape of a person inside it, kind and loving. The person has great angel wings stretching out to either side. The angel moves towards you and enfolds you in their wings like your favorite blankets, your mother’s arms, or even the divine spirit. Relax for as long as you want in here, and communicate with the angel if it feels right.

At last, when you’re ready to go back to your own life, the angel’s wings open, but you’re still enfolded in the sense of peace and love that the angel has brought to you. The angel returns to the sky and you see the details of the little world around you once more as you relax, then slowly open your eyes.


If you noted above the point in the meditation where you can ask questions, keep it in mind. You aren’t obligated to introduce yourself, tell them anything, or ask questions; you can simply enjoy the peace and sense of calm you feel with your angel around. Yet when difficult life decisions must be made or you’re struggling with something, don’t forget your guardian angel. They’re there to help and listen, so you can return to this meditation whenever you feel like you need to do so.

For that matter, if you’re going through a difficult period in your life, spending just fifteen minutes each day on this exercise can help bring about drastic changes in your mindset. You might see messages or signs from your guardian angel, if not in the meditation, in real life! Look out for odd objects, phrases, numbers, or messages. If opportunities suddenly arise that make you feel excited or giddy, consider taking them; if something changes and you miss it, think about whether it will actually help in the long run.

Contacting your guardian angel isn’t an intimidating prospect at all. For many people who do make contact, it feels perfectly peaceful and just like coming home.