Astral Twin Pendant

Astral Twin Amulet Pendant gives you the astral protection you need.

This amazing Amulet should bring the wearer the most precious aura ever, in any matter and business that wearer might have (for example, it’s good to slip one in the pocket before signing an important deal). It also should bring the edge when there is a need to convince an auditor, because it makes words flowing and persuasive.

Furthermore, this Amulet will also provide the total protection, build courage, increase the capacities of expression. It will also serve as a bridge between the wearer and sixth sense. Please keep it under the pillow so that the message of the dreams can be better interpreted.

Lastly, the vibrations of the Astral Twin Amulet Pendant also have a positive effect on the wearer’s aura, surrounding the wearer in a ‘protective bubble’ impenetrable by negative vibrations.
