There are stories of guardian angels coming to people’s aid throughout history, but can such spiritual beings really exist? Modern life is a constant challenge, and the idea of a guardian angel is very appealing to many people. The Bible is one of the main sources for references to angels, but there are similar stories of magical beings in many other religions and cultures. If such things do exist, how is it possible to contact an angel?

A key step to making contact with your guardian angel is to be open-minded and receptive to the idea. Initial contact is generally made during a relaxed and meditated state of mind. Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed, and take deep breaths to relax your mind and body. It may help to play some gentle music or to use aromatherapy oils, such as jasmine.

Once you have escaped the stresses of the day, visualize a golden light flooding your body. Some people suggest imagining a door opening into a room filled with warmth and light. Lay quietly and listen to any inner voices or other signs of an angel making contact. If nothing happens, don’t lose faith. It can take several sessions like this before you experience anything. Achieving the calm and contented state associated with communicating with spiritual beings doesn’t come easily at first.

Initial contact with a guardian angel may be more of a gut feeling or sense of fulfilment than direct communication. If you do experience clear contact from a spiritual being, keep a sense of caution as there’s a possibility it may be a demon rather than an angel.

Angels will never directly interfere with your life or grant wishes, and any indications of this are further signs of a possible demon.

All reports of angels talk of how they encourage free will and freedom of choice. Their role is to encourage and guide you.

If you struggle to make contact, a psychic experienced in angelic guidance may be able to help. Set aside a time each day to relax and attempt contact with your guardian angel, and don’t give up too soon. Avoid caffeine, alcohol or other drugs when attempting communication with angels, as it’s believed drugs can interfere with their aura

If you don’t experience contact with an angel when you are relaxing, you may become aware of their presence in your daily life. Be open and receptive to the idea that things happening around you may not be coincidence.

Don’t try to understand things with your logical mind, and this may trick you into missing the influence of an angel. You may suddenly feel the urge to walk in a different direction or call someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while. These are the sort of gentle influences a guardian angel may offer at first.

Many people experience bigger and more positive signs of angelic guidance as they tune into their spiritual side over time. You may also notice changes in your dreams, and this is another way angels may communicate with you. Try to remember your dreams when you wake up each morning, and think about possible messages and meanings which may be contained within them.

Making contact with your guardian angel may take some time, but your life can be so much happier and more fulfilling if you do.