Many spiritual traditions speak of a special being, a guardian angel, assigned at birth to each person. Angels in art often hover above people, looking down with loving concern, and this image, like much in art, reveals a spiritual truth. Guardian angels accompany each person through life, and in some belief systems, through many lives. They offer comfort, insight and guidance at important moments. If you didn’t grow up in a particular religion, you may have wondered how to contact your guardian angel, or if their existence could be felt. Prayer, contemplation and simply paying attention to small urges or thoughts throughout the day are some of the many ways to be in communication with your angel. This angel feels connected to your soul and wishes very much to help, yet respects your unique spiritual path and your free will.

Throughout history, artists have depicted angels as having wings, carrying musical instruments, and as described in the book of Ezekiel, as being covered with eyes. These artistic interpretations show the real nature of our angels.

For example, when we see a beautiful painting of a winged angel, it is possible to experience how guardian angels live in a world where there is no heaviness of gravity; these special beings can move quickly and gracefully to be at our sides when we need help.

An angel playing a musical instrument is a spiritual picture of how their guidance brings harmony to our personal chaos, reminding us that the beauty and order that are revealed in great works of music can work in our own lives as well.

The angel covered in eyes in the book of Ezekiel is a mysterious image. Sometimes artists hint about this vision by painting subtle eyes on an angel’s wings, or by depicting their wings as made of peacock feathers. Guardian angels are always aware of us and our thoughts and activities. They keep a watchful eye on us, not to scold or judge, but to be ready should we need assistance. When we feel their gaze, it is possible to feel their love and recognition of our true selves. The angels recognize who we want to become, our longing to be better people, and they want to help us achieve this.

There are many ways to be in touch with your guardian angel. Some religions teach special prayers to say before sleep. Praying to your guardian angel at night opens the way to receiving guidance in dreams, during which you are more open to suggestion. You can simply ask a question inwardly before sleep. You can also communicate with your guardian angel during the day, while you are awake. But you have to be still in your thoughts and feelings before preparing a question and receiving an answer.

Often when we are depressed or upset it is easy to be overwhelmed by emails, phone calls, bills, and the general busy-ness of life. In these moments, quieting your mind and feelings can open a space in which your angel can communicate with you.

You don’t have to be a Zen master or even a particularly spiritual person to receive guidance, however. In one story of the birth of Jesus, Joseph, Mary’s betrothed, tried to leave Mary before the baby was born. He felt ashamed to be engaged to a woman who was already pregnant. In the darkness of night, he loaded Mary’s donkey with his possessions and sneaked away. Suddenly, the donkey stopped and would go no further. This happened a few times before Joseph, after feeling frustrated and then finally resigned, started to rethink his plan. In his dreams after he returned to Mary, he saw how his guardian angel had appeared in the path of the faithful donkey, and he realized he had received his guidance through the donkey’s seeming stubbornness. He then joyfully assisted Mary and the baby Jesus.

Guidance from your guardian angel can come in different forms, but receiving it always requires a certain level of calmness or even resignation, as was the case with Joseph. Taking a moment to contemplate the flame of a candle or a flower can be enough to formulate a question and start to “hear” your guardian angel.

Be open and alert to signs that might not seem obvious, like a phone call, noticing a certain item, a stuck door, changing weather patterns and so on. Your guardian angel speaks in a delicate and beautiful way, and rejoices when you start to work together in divine partnership towards creating your higher self.