This Secret is a very ancient one: the Faithful of each religion obtain what they want from God by speaking ritualised words. This is a snapshot of long-forgotten knowledge! The expression “so be it” indicates to an invisible power that the time has come to fulfil a wish! All secret magical rites, in the East, in Africa, in the West and everywhere, use magical words. Every tribe of American Indians jealously guards the secret words of the Healing Ritual: with astounding results!
All these words are the “Words of Power” and those who know them become Masters. “Words of Power” obey their Master, like Spirit-Servants.
Anne du Lac has been working in this area for more than 30 years. She has studied hundreds of books and ancient tomes of magic spells, forgotten in the deepest corner of libraries. She has brought Knowledge that goes back to the dawn of time back in the light of the modern day and is now an undisputed specialist in this Knowledge. The reason she is writing to you today especially to offer this Knowledge to you, is that it’s time to pass on “The Secret” to a few deserving people. And now FINALLY the time has come for her to give you “The Secret”.